Computers information

Publicly accesible directory

We have available a directory in to share documents with collaborators: For security reasons, it doesn't have indexing enabled, which means the server does not list all the documents and folders under the folder /home/collab/web_docs.

Upload documents to paros

Currently, the only way to upload documents and files to the collaborative folder is through SSH to The folder is /home/collab/web_docs -you will need to be part of the group collab. If you don't have a user in paros ask Jordi or Alex -it needs to be set up by Penn IT. Access is only granted through the pcbi network, so in case you are outside (i.e. home or in a conference) you have to connect through SSH to using your PennID and PennKey and from there, copy the files with scp or connect via SSH.

IRB-SIG Website

The website is accessible via SSH: Ask Jordi or Alex about the password if you don't have it.

Remote Access Instructions

If you find that your weekends are not already busy enough, it is possible to access lab computers remotely once you have established an account with PMACS and have Duo Mobile installed on your mobile phone. Once you have your account:

1) download and install PulseSecure and login to [username] using your PMACS account through PulseSecure (note, you will need to authenticate your login credentials using the key generated by Duo Mobile in order to successfully establish the VPN connection).

Here is where you can download PulseSecure in your browser:

Here are the official instructions:

2) ssh into any of the lab computers using your lab computer username and password (which can be different from your PMACS account). Note that for some reason the Windows Linux Subsystem by default is unable to utilize the VPN set up by Pulse Secure so you will have to use a power shell.